"A very special weapon, so special, that you will not see it lying around in the maps. The iNJECTOR is only available in the 'InstaPad' game mode, but here it is the only weapon. The characteristic of this gun is basically the same as the SPLASHER ones, so it has a low fire rate, but causes very high damage. The Zoom of the iNJECTOR is an advanced one, because enemys are shown glowing, making them easy to track."
— World of Padman Manual
The Injector, also known as iNJECTOR or KMA97, is an InstaPad-exclusive weapon in World of Padman. Whenever the projectile impacts an enemy, it will always be a one-shot kill. The Injector comes with a night vision scope which highlights the enemies. Its projectile cannot penetrate multiple enemies unlike Railgun in Quake 3 Arena.