
"The FLOATER lets you fly. The cool thing is that you decide when you want to fly and how long you want to do so. After you have picked up this item you'll get a new display on the right, showing how much "fuel" is still left. Pressing the "USE" key will give you a boost up into the air." — World of Padman Manual
The Floater is a holdable powerup which propels the player up high for a limited time when the use item button is held down, similar to the Flight powerup in Quake Live.


•If you are low on health, use the floater to escape battle. You are relatively easy to hit when doing so, so escape isn't guaranteed, but it's better than getting owned by a noob.
•Lightly tap the use item when flying. Don't hold it down for too long, as you can get much more use out of it if you time your taps right.
•You can use the floater to reach hard to reach places in order to hide and camp with the Splasher, or get powers that typically require the Jumper or the PadPower+Betty combo.
•If a player is using floater, take out your Splasher and try to take them out. Similarly with Jumper, enemies that are floating are easier to track.