
""Small, but powerful", that's how these mines are described best. Whenever the player picks up the item, three limpet mines that can be placed around the map are added to the player's inventory. You won't be able to create whole mine fields with that, but the mines work very well as a defensive weapon. After having been placed by the 'USE' button, they explode when approached and deal massive damage. Because of their dangerousness there are locations on the map where the mines must not be placed." — World of Padman Manual
The Boomies, also known as BOOMiES, is a holdable powerup that is usable to deploy landmines in the premises that explode when an enemy gets near them. These landmines can stick to walls and even ceilings and are instantly armed upon deploy. Boomies cannot be detonated by the player; only when an enemy gets near them or when being shot by any weapons will cause them to set off. There is an enforced limit of 30 Boomies can be deployed per team. The boomies is a CTL and BB exclusive powerup.
Boomies cannot be placed in the following areas:
•Near other existing boomies
•Near Health Stations
•Near Jump Pads
•Near the Lolly location
•Near weapon spawn points


•Its best use is to deny enemies the chance to use certain paths. Tight paths (such as hallways) should be filled with Boomies so that your defense can focus on large entrances. They can also be placed on powerup spawn points in case the enemy is getting too close and you have no time to seal some paths with Boomies.
•When placing Boomies, try to hide them. Getting the drop on enemies can surprise them enough for them to retreat, especially if the Boomies took off most of their health.
•A hallway full of Boomies can be cleaned with any weapon's shots. Inflicted damage will set off tightly placed Boomie groups easily. However, Boomies are tough, so shooting them repeatedly is required in order to cause them to explode.
•Boomies deal no splash damage to their carrier, but their blast forces can send anyone flying.
•Place Boomies on walls and ceilings where they're hard to spot. If the enemy sees Boomies on the ground, they'll set them off from a safe distance.
•Though it may be risky, the player can ram into enemies and look down to deploy Boomies which can finish them off.